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Tips for getting your car ready to sell

With the New Year upon us and the current selling climate as it is, now could be a great time to sell your car. Whether it’s because you want an upgrade, downgrade or simply no longer need a car, when you do sell your car it’s important to make sure everything is in order to ensure a smooth sale. Our team of second-hand car buyers in Essex have put together some top tips below to help make this as easy as possible for you so you can sell your car quickly.

  1. Clean your car

While this may seem like an obvious one, having a clean car will improve the overall aesthetic – even if there is some wear and tear – so you may get more money for it.

Having it professionally deep cleaned is definitely a worthwhile investment and is also a huge time saver for you. Having the car smelling nice, mats cleaned, clean wheels, windows and body sparkling and the inside generally as clean and tidy as it can be will make a difference to a sale.

  • DIY checks and repairs

First of all, it’s important to ensure all your electrics are working inside and out – which should be included in a regular check-up anyway – if needed, replace any of the bulbs. Also check the windscreen wipers and air conditioning etc.

Next check the fluid levels: brake fluid, coolant, engine oil, washer fluid etc. and top up if need be, at this point it’s also worth checking for any unwanted leaks. Lastly make sure your space tyre is in good working order with no rips or tears.

  • Get together all important documents and extras

This includes the logbook, MOT Certificate (make sure this is as up to date as possible), all service receipts and related documents. Having as much detailed paperwork as possible – especially of and services or repairs to the car – will make your car more attractive to a potential buyer. Also make sure you have any spare sets of keys or car accessories ready for the dealer.

  • Personal inspection – check for bigger issues

It’s worth taking your car for a drive to check wheel alignment, tyres or any other issues that don’t feel or look right, selling a safe car is important. If there are any bigger issues note them down and make them aware to the buyer.

  • Estimate yourself how much your car is worth

Once you have completed all the above checks and have all your paperwork together, estimate your car’s value. This will help you determine how much you can realistically get for it and a fair asking price. If you are in our service local area, one of our friendly team will be happy to pay a visit to your home and perform a vehicle valuation if it meets our buying criteria.

Attention to detail is paramount when selling your vehicle. Cleaning your car, checking for any issues (and fixing them), having all your paperwork together and working out how much you value it at, will all ensure a smoother and quicker sale for you and the buyer. With the current climate now is great time to sell your car, so if you are thinking of selling your second-hand vehicle, follow our above tips and contact our friendly Essex team who would be happy to discuss how we can help you achieve this.


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